Crafting Artisanal Memes with RMagick

Joking aside, ImageMagick and RMagick give us some pretty powerful tools for adding formatted text to images. Here's a quick example of how to write text with custom per-line formatting.

Formatted Text

Writing text is done via RMagick's Magick::Draw. Let's define a simple format that we can pass around that defines our line format in a way that's easy to serialize and deserialize.

For talking purposes, something like this:

  text: 'Lorem Ipsum',      # The text to write
  width: 480,               # The width of our text box
  height: 640,              # The height of our text box
  alignment: 'north'        # Which side of the text box should the text float toward?
  x: 0,                     # Horizontal offset
  y: 0,                     # Vertical offset
  size: 40,                 # Text size
  color: 'white',           # Text color
  outline_color: 'black',   # Text outline color
  font_weight: 'bold',      # Font weight
  font_family: 'Helvetica', # Font
  font_style:  'Normal',    # Font style
  line_spacing: 0           # Spacing adjustment between text lines

For text box sizing it's often convenient to use the full image dimensions and let alignment handle the rest if you're adding header or footer text.

Obviously that's a lot of formatting options and it would be a pain if we had to specify all of them all the time, so let's make sure we have happy defaults.

Format Wrangler

I've put together a little helper to wrangle the text formatting and add the text to our image. Typically I prefer to wrap RMagick in a helper class with chainable methods, but we'll keep this simple and just make a little helper.

require 'rmagick'

class TextWriter
  class << self
    def write(image, text_lines)
      text_lines.each { |line| write_line(image, line) }


    def write_line(image, line)
      draw =

      text_format(line).each { |key, value| draw.send("#{key}=", value) }

      draw.annotate(image, line.fetch(:width, 0), line.fetch(:height, 0), line[:x], line[:y], text(line))

    def text_format(line)
        interline_spacing: line.fetch(:line_spacing, 0),
        font_family:       line.fetch(:font, 'Helvetica'),
        font_weight:       magick_const(line.fetch(:font_weight, 'normal'), 'Weight'),
        font_style:        magick_const(line.fetch(:font_style, 'normal'), 'Style'),
        pointsize:         line.fetch(:size, 20),
        gravity:           magick_const(line.fetch(:alignment, 'north_west'), 'Gravity'),
        stroke:            line[:outline_color],
        fill:              line[:color]

    def text(line)
      # escape magick characters (
      line[:text].gsub('%', '\%')

    def magick_const(weight, category)
      # Use .constantize here if you have ActiveSupport included.
      # Sanitize this if you're taking input from your users!

A Simple Example

Let's try doing something basic with that to generate some simple text on an image. This is leaning heavily on our formatting defaults.

require './text_writer'

format = { width: 480, height: 640, x: 0, y: 20 }

img ='wizard:').first
TextWriter.write(img, [
  { text: 'I CAN HAZ',   alignment: 'north' }.merge(format),
  { text: 'CHEEZBURGER', alignment: 'south' }.merge(format)

Meme Text

Finally, let's lean more heavily on our customizable formatting to appeal to the youths.

require './text_writer'

format = {
  width: 480,
  height: 640,
  x: 0,
  y: 20,
  size: 40,
  color: 'white',
  outline_color: 'black',
  font_weight: 'bold'

img ='wizard:').first
TextWriter.write(img, [
  { text: 'I CAN HAZ',   alignment: 'north' }.merge(format),
  { text: 'CHEEZBURGER', alignment: 'south' }.merge(format)